See what we’ve been up to! Catch up on the latest news and information about our research and publications, as well as the team and lab in general.

Featured news

This 9M NOK funding will support our research on pancreatic cancer precision genomics.
We've received 400 000 NOK funding from The UiO Growth House.
Our EP PerMed project DYNAMITE is successful and received a grant.

All news and updates



Great news! Ville Tiusanen receives funded PhD position in the Integrative Life Sciences Doctoral Programme of the University of Helsinki. Congratulations!!!


Great news! Konsta Karttunen receives three-year funded PhD position in the Spring call of the Doctoral Education Pilot 2024 in Precision Cancer Medicine project. Congratulations!!!


Congratulations to Konsta Karttunen for receiving the Best Master’s thesis prize 2023 from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki. Well done Konsta and all of us are very proud of you!!!

Great to have a nice dinner with all old and new lab members of Sahu Lab in Shanghai K218 in Oslo, also happens to be the first day of new incoming lab members, Chi, Joey and Hanxuan.

A two-year extendable post-doc/researcher position is open at our Oslo lab for a skilled wet-lab scientist. If you’re interested, please apply, or contact us for more information.

Applications are considered on a rolling basis and positions will be filled immediately!


Group photo of Sahu Lab from the NCMM X-mas party


X-mas dinner with the Sahu Lab group in a very traditional Norwegian restaurant eating Julemiddag (Ribbe, pinnekjøtt and lutefisk).


[Closed] We’re hiring post-docs for our Oslo lab! Want to work in the field of cancer epigenomics and transcriptional regulation?

Apply here or contact us for more information. Positions will be filled immediately!


Grateful and honored to receive the grant from Norwegian Cancer Society supporting our research in understanding pancreatic cancer.

Norwegian Cancer Society (Kreftforeningen | Norwegian)

More details from the press release of the medical faculty (UiO | Norwegian)


Proud to have these university press releases highlighting our two latest publications in Nature Communications and Developmental Cell!

This 2.5M NOK grant was awarded for establishing the Spatial Single-cell Biology Center.
Two joint positions are currently open (Oslo and Helsinki), as well as a new opportunity with the Dynamite consortium coming soon.
We’ve received a grant from the ‘Norwegian Cancer Society (Kreftforeningen)’
New paper published in Nature Communications!
We’ve received a grant from the ‘Astri og Birger Torsteds legat’ foundation.
Our group visited this year's annual NCMM retreat at Strömstad Spa and Resort in Sweden!
This will allow for e.g. long read sequencing of genetic material.
The new Chromium iX Controller from 10X Genomics is now installed and running in our lab!
Our latest paper was published in the Nature Biotechnology journal in September 2022!
Our new paper, Sequence Determinants of Human Gene Regulatory Elements, has been published in Nature Genetics in March 2022!
Our new collaboration paper was published in iScience on 6 March 2023. Read more about it here.