In addition to our group leader, Biswa, we have 9 team members in our lab in Oslo, Norway, and 4 team members in our lab in Helsinki, Finland. Find some further info about us below, as well as the list of alumni.

I lead the Sahu Lab research groups based in Oslo and Helsinki.

I am a genomics scientist by training with specialization in cancer research, mainly in transcription factor function, epigenetics and gene regulation in cancer.

My area of expertise is in transcription factor biology using several genome-wide functional genomics methods (ChIP-seq/nexus, bulk/single-cell RNA-seq), chromatin state (ATAC-seq), chromatin architecture methods (in situ HiC, ChIA-PET), cell fate conversion and lineage decision by transcription factors (transdifferention), high-throughput enhancer assays (MPRAs such as STARR-seq), genome editing using CRISPR-Cas9 and their integrative state-of-the-art computational analysis.

The goal of my research is to understand the role of non-coding regulatory genome in human diseases aiming towards precision translational medicine.

Group photo of our Oslo team in 2024
Group photo of our Oslo team in 2024


I’m a post-doctoral researcher in Sahu lab in Oslo and my work involves computational analysis of genomics datasets to understand the role of epigenome programming in human cancers.

I received my PhD in Informatics from the  University of Verona in Italy.

I’ve developed skills in bioinformatics algorithm programming, graph analysis and algorithm development, data analysis and statistical analysis. Furthermore I’ve worked with genomes, variant data and different kind of genetic data including development of a software for in-silico CRISPR/Cas assessment and determination.

Currently, I am working on high resolution genomics data that includes single cell genomics (scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq), machine learning models and long read sequencing data analysis in endodermal origin cancers but in particular pancreatic cancer. The goal is construct gene regulatory networks using single-cell data and perform in silica perturbation for the identifed transcription factors in pancreatic cancer tumor microenviroment and their role in disease progression and treatment resistance,


I’m a researcher in Sahu Lab in Oslo and my work involves understanding the role of defined transcription factors in controlling pancreatic cell fate and their role in pancreatic cancer.

I received my Ph.D. in Pathology and Physiopathology at China Medical University in June, 2019 and then started my postdoc in Biswajyoti Sahu’s lab. Currently, I am a researcher and my two main projects are: 1) cell-fate conversion by direct reprogramming to make pancreatic excocrine cells to understand the process pancreatic cancer initiation and 2)delineate the role of defined transcription factors in pancreatic cancer initiation and metastasis. The goal is to understand the changes in 3D-genome architecture during this reprogramming process and getting better insight into the lineage-specificity of human cancers.

In particular, I use defined transcription factors for converting one cell type to another by a method known as transdifferentiation. The goal is to understand the role of these defined factors in modulating chromatin structure and gene expression during this dynamic process of transdifferentiation and also during the course of pancreatic cancer initiation, progression and treatment response



I’m a post-doctoral researcher in Sahu Lab in Oslo, and my work involves understanding the non-coding regulatory genome for example the role of transposable elements in cancer-specific gene regulation.

I received my Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Gandhinagar in Dec, 2020 and then started my postdoctoral research in Biswajyoti Sahu’s lab. Currently, my project focuses on understanding the non-coding regulatory genome with a special emphasis on the role of transposable elements in organ-specific cancer.

I am using next-generation sequencing based methods such as massively parallel reporter assays (STARR-seq) to decode enhancer function and nascent RNA mapping (PRO-seq) for understanding their role in cancer genome reprogramming. In particular, I am interested in delineating the role of repetitive transposable elements as oncogenic enhancers, control mechanisms of retrotransposons in human genome and the role of defined transcription factors in the 3D non-regulatory genome.

Jiahao Guo

PhD student

I’m a PhD student in Sahu Lab in Oslo and my work involves understanding the mechanisms of understanding the epigenetic regulation in tumor microenvironment of pancreatic cancer.

I completed my Master’s degree in Clinical Medicine at Capital Medical University in China. My research focuses on the role of the tumor microenvironment in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), particularly cancer associated fibroblasts, to further explore the pathophysiological mechanisms and identify novel precision targets. Currently, I am working on single cell RNA-sequencing data and establishing pancreatic cancer co-culture models together with the latest multi-omics sequencing methods.

In my project, I perform comprehensive analysis of gene expression programs at single-cell resolution using the samples from pancreatic cancer patients to identify key cell-type specific transcription factors and their role in cancer progression and treatment response. I utilise cellular models to functionally validate and establish the role of these identified transcription factors towards precision medicine.


PhD Student

I’m a PhD Student in Sahu Lab in Oslo and my work involves understanding the molecular determinants operating at the chromatin level in endometriosis.

I completed my Masters Degree in the Molecular Bioscience and Biochemistry program from the University of Oslo in Norway. My Masters thesis work involved isolation and activation of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) cells. I was studying the effect of pharmacological inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies on the survival and proliferation of CLL cells for possible therapeutic development. The work involved multicolour flow cytometry, RNA work and confocal microscopy.

Currently, I am using mammalian cell culture models together with modern genome-wide methods such as CRISPR gene editing and several functional genomics methods to understand the chromatin state, and the role of key transcription factors in control of gene regulation in human enhanceropathies such as in endometriosis and exploring parallels with endometriois-associated ovarian cancer in terms of cellular plasticity.

Chi Xu

PhD Student

I’m a PhD student in Sahu Lab in Oslo and my work involves dissecting the role of functional regulatory elements in human cancer using functional epigenetic and genome editing methods.

I received my master’s degree in Toxicology from Sun Yat-sen University, China. My master’s thesis focused on the regulation of cancer-related epigenetic modifications using CRISPR-dCas9. Currently, at NCMM, I am working on identification of regulation elements involved in the initiation of liver cancer using methods of next-Generation Sequencing and employing CRISPR/Cas9 tools.

In particular, my goal of my project is to delineate the role of cancer-specific regulatory elements such as enhancers in the control of gene expression using genome-wide CRISPR-screening in cancer cells lines and their validation using single cell methods. I utilize several CRISPR-based methods such as CRISPRi, CROP-seq and functional genomics methods such ChIP-seq for transcription factor binding and epigenetic modifications, RNA-seq for gene expression and HiC methods for the 3D genome organization.

Pia Ahnstrøm

Pia Ahnstrøm

Lab Engineer

I am a Principal Engineer in the Sahu lab in Oslo, and my work involves managing day-to-day operations in the laboratory, as well as assisting researchers in their research projects.

My background includes research in immunotherapy against solid cancer, specifically CAR T cells against Osteosarcoma, and general histology. I hold a B.Sc and M.Sc in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from the University of Oslo.

MSc Student

I’m doing Masters thesis in the Sahu Lab in Oslo and my work involves understanding the epigenetic determinants in endometriosis.

I am studying for my Masters Degree in the University of Oslo.

Currently, I am learning cell culture methods in the lab and routine molecular biology techniques.

MSc Student

I’m doing my Masters thesis jointly in the Sahu Lab in NCMM and in the Kristensen lab in the Oslo University Hospital. My work involves dissecting the role of driver transcription factors in primary human 3D breast organoids.

I am from Heidelberg in Germany and currently doing my Masters thesis project from University of Oslo.

Currently, I am doing molecular biology work like plasmid cloning, expression and lentivirus production to deliver and express my transcription factors of interest in normal breast cancer organoids. I work in collaboration with Professor Vessela Kristensen (co-supervisor) and here lab in my project, where I work with human 3D organoid cultures to express my transcription factors of interest and then study their role in gene expression and chromatin state reprogramming.


Konsta Karttunen, MsC

PhD student

I am an iCANDOC PhD student in the Doctoral Program in Biomedicine (DPBM) in the University of Helsinki and work in Sahu lab in Helsinki. My work involves in understanding the role of transposable elements in cancer-specific gene regulation.

I am interested in understanding the role of non-coding genome in gene regulation. In particular, I am looking at the transposable elements and their role in oncogenic repogramming of enhancers. I am involved in the computational analysis of RNA-seq data for gene expression, ChIP-seq for transcription factor binding, ATAC-seq for chromatin accessibility and MPRAs such as STARR-seq for functional enhancer activity data. I am also analyzing long-read nanopore sequencing data using the NaNOME-seq to detect CpG methylation and GpC methylation signals simultaneously for improved mapping of repetitive elements in cancer cells.

My project involves understanding the role transposable elements as oncogenic enhancers and their usage by tissue-specific transcription factors mainly focussing on gastrointestinal cancers such as colorectal adenocarcinoma and oesophageal cancers.


PhD student

I’m a PhD Student in the Integrative Life Sciences (ILS) graduate school in the University of Helsinki and work in Sahu lab in Helsinki. My work involves understanding the role of pioneer transcription factors in cancers of endodermal origin mainly pancreatic and colorectal cancers and their role in cancer-specific gene regulation.

I am interested in understanding the role of cancer-specific enhancers and specifically the super enhancer architecture in primary and cancer cells.

In particular, I am involved in the computational analysis of RNA-seq data for gene expression, ChIP-seq for transcription factor binding and epigenetic modifications, ATAC-seq for chromatin accessibility and MPRAs such as STARR-seq for functional enhancer activity data.  The aim of my project is to identify the defined transcription factors that are important in the super-enhancer structures and their role in loop extrusion and in the context of 3D genome organization.

PhD candidate

I am a bioinformatician in Sahu Lab in Oslo and my work involves analysis of nanopore long read sequencing data

I completed my Masters degree in Bioinformatics from University of Bern in Switzerland. My prior work includes 3 years of wet-lab projects, analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data and application of machine learning algorithms. Currently, I am interested in mining and analysis of nanopore long read sequencing data together with DNA sequence-based deep-learning models for my research.


Lab Manager

I am studying for my Masters degree in Microbiology at the University of Helsinki, and I am currently working as a lab manager in the Enhancer Biology laboratory shared with Dr. Päivi Pihlajamaa’s laboratory in the Applied Tumor Genomics Program.

My work involves managing the research operations and assisting researchers with their experiments and day to day work in the laboratory.

I also learn new methods and techniques in cell and molecular biology used in cancer research. I have a background in Microbiology and thus for my thesis, I am investigating the role of gram-negative bacteria Fusobacterium nucleatum in colorectal adenocarcinoma. I utilise colon cancer cell line models for my experiments together with the culture and propagation of gram-negative bacteria to find its effect in colon cancer on the epigenetic level.


Rasma Gutsmite, MSc, Lab Engineer at our Oslo lab, now Head Engineer in NCMM
Jihan Xia, PhD, Post-Doc – University of Helsinki, Finland, now co-PI in Chongqing Medical University, China
Nikita Poddar, MSc, Research assistant, now Bioinformatician in Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, USA
Pinja Perkkiö, Lab Manager, now Masters student in University of Helsinki, Finland
Frederik Labonte, Erasmus internship, now Masters student in University of Cologne, Germany
Kerim Yavuz, MSc, Research assistant, now PhD student Koç University, Turkey